Jan 12, 2013

Baby #2 :: Sixteen Weeks

Size of baby: An avocado according to Baby Center and The Bump.

Cravings/Aversions: Avocado? yes please! Not too much going on in this area this week. Nothing really stands out to me.

What I love: There's just something about the number 16 that makes me feel so far along! Noelle is still so excited. At daycare the other day they did an art project and when Noelle was finished with hers, she asked her teacher if she could make another one for the baby! She will be such a sweet big sister.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Exactly four weeks until our anatomy scan. I can't believe it's already that time!

Worries: Nothing for the week until my doctor's appointment Thursday. My thyroid levels were a little but high on my last blood test and I lost a pound since my last appointment. My doctor didn't seem too worried and when they retested my blood, my levels were back to normal. Still, I thought it was a little odd that with all of the holiday eating that took place since my last appointment that I lost a pound. Aside from chasing Noelle around, there's not a whole lot going on on the exercise front. Even though my doctor made absolutely zero deal out if it, I know it's odd for my body to not gain weight when I'm doing little to stop it. Especially when my belly is getting bigger every week. Shouldn't that account for some gain? I guess it's just tied to me being a natural worrier and hoping the baby is healthy. We'll see how things look next month.

What is different this time around: Nothing new here either. Still dealing with morning nausea a lot longer than I did with Noelle. Also, the speed with which this pregnancy is just absolutely flying by! I knew it would be crazy with Noelle keeping me busy and the holidays, but I feel like we just found out last month!

Symptoms: Pretty much the same as last week - nausea in the morning and being so tired due to this semi-insomnia I've got going on. Heartburn has also reared its ugly head a few weeks earlier than last time.

Sleep: Pretty rough this week, but I've been making a concerted effort at getting bed early during the week.

Boy or Girl: Still feeling boy lately because of the differences in pregnancies. Noelle still says girl! But again, even with the excitement if the looming anatomy scan, we still won't be finding out until birth day.

The belly: Definitely there! Felt especially big this week. Brought out the maternity jeans and it's wonderful! I can still fit into most of my regular jeans, but they get more and more uncomfortable as the day goes on.

Movement: Still feeling the very occasional thump.

Milestones: Measuring at about 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. Baby's legs are much more developed, his or her head is more erect than it has been, and his or her eyes have moved closer to the front of the head. Your baby's ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his or her scalp has begun, though hair isn't recognizable yet. Your baby has even started growing toenails. Baby’s starting to be able to hear your voice -- and will recognize it at birth -- so feel free to chat her up.

Best moment of the week: Hearing the heartbeat! This was the first time I'd heard it as the doc or nurse couldn't find it at the last two appointments. At least that got us some ultrasound sneak peeks!

Weight gain/loss: Well, after the appointment I'm at total of minus 2. Not exactly happy about that, and I'm looking at healthy options for packing in the calories.

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