Jan 17, 2013

Baby #2 :: Seventeen Weeks

Size of baby: A turnip according to Baby Center and an onion if you ask The Bump. Baby weighs around 5 oz and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom.

Cravings/Aversions: Oh my gosh, I have been obsessed with Ramen noodles/soup this week. At first I thought maybe I was craving the salt, but there’s something about the noodles themselves that I just love. I got one of those awful-for-you instant Ramen lunches yesterday and it was so delicious. I think I’ll have to stop at the store on the way home and get some regular packs!

What I love: I can’t tell if this one is what I love or what I hate. This pregnancy is going by so.fast. I knew it would go by pretty quickly because a lot of my focus is on Noelle, but I really had no idea it would go by this quickly. When I was pregnant with Noelle I wanted time to stop and I was so anxious about having an actual baby to take care of that I would freak out if the weeks were going by too quickly. This time though, I’m so excited to have another baby at home that I’m not even thinking about the stressful stuff and I just can’t wait!

What I'm looking forward to the most: Anatomy scan on February 8 and a friends mini-vacation to the Dells that same weekend! And ohmygosh, howcouldiforget – Bryan is done with his MBA program at the end of the month. No more grad school! I can’t wait to have my husband back :o)

Worries: Still a little worried about the weight gain, but I’m mostly over it. I haven’t even gotten on the scale since my doctor’s appointment so I don’t really know where I am. Things are still fitting the same – with the exception of my belleh – so I’m just not going to worry about it until my doctor tells me to worry about it.

What is different this time around: As I mentioned before, the speed with which we are going from week to week!

Symptoms: The morning nausea has dissipated, but the insomnia has not. I haven’t any heartburn since last week either. Ugh, the insomnia. It takes me about 0.2 seconds to fall asleep at night, but it’s guaranteed that I will wake up at some point during the night and there is just no telling Pretty much the same as last week - nausea in the morning and being so tired due to this semi-insomnia I've got going on. Heartburn has also reared its ugly head a few weeks earlier than last time.

Sleep: Pretty rough this week, especially with the nasty head cold I’ve been dealing with since Sunday.

Boy or Girl: Still feeling boy lately.

The belly: Definitely there! Loving my maternity jeans! I also found some belly bands in my dresser so that has expanded my pants wardrobe a bit. I only wear them when everything else is in the laundry because I actually really hate them. They’re comfortable, but there’s a weird line that shows through most shirts and the always ride up in the back. Also? I don't think my belly button can hold out much longer! I have a pretty shallow one to begin with and at the end if the day it is so close to being flat!

Movement: Haven’t been feeling much movement lately. I was feeling the (very) occasional thump starting at 14 weeks, but I haven’t noticed much in the last week or so. At this point with Noelle I was feeling fairly regular flutters. I remember I was exactly 16 weeks with her when I first felt them. Oh! Of course - I just got a little thump right now :o)

Milestones: The baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. Both the fingers and toes are developing fingerprints [I didn’t know your toes had prints!] and sweat glands are developing.

Best moment of the week: Sounds kind of silly, but I got to spend an entire day with Noelle when she had to stay home from school because of a fever and bad cold. The cold hadn’t gotten me yet, so I was able to get a bunch of stuff done around the house and spend some good cuddle time with my beautiful girl!

Amusing comments from the public: Oh boy, have these started already? On a day when I was feeling particularly large in the belly area a woman told me that I didn’t even look pregnant. I took a little offense to that because 1. I don’t have this belly all the time thankyouverymuch! and 2. I am 17 weeks pregnant – I want to look pregnant!

Weight gain/loss: Haven’t been on the scale since my appointment at 16 weeks so I’ll just stay with a total of minus 2. This includes weight lost during the first trimester and then some gained back after I started feeling better and then some lost for who knows what reason in the last month.

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