Jan 5, 2013

Baby #2 :: Fourteen Weeks

Playing catch up - was fourteen weeks on December 27.
We waited to make the announcement to the interwebs until a little before 14 weeks because we wanted to tell Bryan’s grandma and his extended family in person on Christmas Eve. We told my immediate and extended family and Bryan’s immediate family on Thanksgiving, so it was a long wait! This is the first update I wrote because I just wasn’t up to writing much before then.
Size of baby: A lemon according to both Baby Center and The Bump.

Cravings/Aversions:  A lemon sounds really good right now. I love anything sour these days. Pickles, lemon,vinegar-y foods – yummy!  Ever since I started feeling “the bad” symptoms – around 6 weeks – aversions have been a big thing. Eggs, salads and tomato-based sauces are just a few of the things that make me turn green. Sugary cereal is a plus for me and I remember this being a huge thing when I was pregnant with Noelle!

What I love: Making it to the second tri! Also, finally having a bump that doesn’t look like I just ate too many Christmas cookies, and telling anyone and everyone our good news!

What I'm looking forward to the most: Feeling more movement, of course! And despite what I’m about to type below, no longer wishing I had a Doppler to check the heartbeat obsessively!

Worries: Not too many right now. Although I am a world class worrier, I’m really making it a point with this pregnancy to give myself a break and focus on positive things.  

What's different this time around: Absolutely showing more this timearound. The morning nausea won’t go away and it’s super annoying because Iremember the second trimester being like a switch being flipped when it came tothose pesky first tri symptoms.

Symptoms: A suuuper sensitive digestion system, being very tired(although with a very active 3 year old, I don’t think this is so much apregnancy symptom alone as it is a life symptom), and something new this timearound – pregnancy insomnia! That comes and goes depending on the day andobviously doesn’t make things any easier for my already tired self.

Sleep: Aside from the insomnia, it isn’t too bad especially since I nolonger have to pee 4 times a night…for now. Thankfully Noelle is a champions leeper and a late one at that. On the weekends we all sleep until about7:30-8:00 if we don’t have anything going on. Keep it up Noelle!!

Boy or Girl: Been feeling boy lately because this pregnancy is justd ifferent enough to make me think that. HOWEVER, this answer will likely fluctuate until birth day because after much back and forth we have decided not to find out again! It was so amazing last time that the reasons in the “find out” column just weren’t major enough.
The belly: Definitely popped more over the last week or so. Feels really good to have this visual reminder that, yes, I am indeed having another baby!!

Movement: I think maybe I’ve been feeling a random thump here and there,which is 2 weeks earlier than when I first felt Noelle. It’s also a completely different feeling. With Noelle I described it as bubbles popping, but this time it’s definitely more of a “thump.”

Milestones: Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck his or her thumb! Baby is also stretching out and measure about 3 1/2 inches and weighs about 1 1/2 oz. Lanugo is starting to grow and will keep baby nice and warm for the rest of the pregnancy.
Best moment of the week: Realizing those little thumps I'd been feeling very occasionally was the baby!
Weight gain/loss: Total of minus 1. I lost about 5 lbs during the first trimester. As long as I’m eating smartly and the baby and I are healthy, I will ignore the number on the scale.

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