Jan 30, 2013

Baby #2 :: Nineteen Weeks

Size of baby: An heirloom tomato according to Baby Center (makes me anxious for our awesome vegetable garden) and a mango if you ask The Bump - about 6 in and 8.5 oz.

Cravings/Aversions: Still with the sweet tooth! I'm trying to not let it get too out of control as that is NOT the way I want to gain weight!

What I love: Feeling more and more little movements, even if they're not very consistent.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Bryan's parents, grandparents and one of his sisters are all coming into town on Friday night. We're going out to dinner to celebrate the end of Bryan's grad school program!! We're going to Maxie's and I absolutely can't wait. Love that place and it'll be so nice to see family. We also have my work's winter party this weekend, which will be held at the Milwaukee Athletic Club - yay for a nice night out!

Worries: Nothing this week!

What is different this time around: My feelings toward actually having a baby have changed greatly. That sounds kind of odd and not very nice so let me explain. The first time around I was so nervous and anxious to actually bring a baby home. I absolutely loved being pregnant and sometimes thought I'd rather stay pregnant than deal with the nervous breakdown that would come with a real, live baby. The nervous breakdown came as we were packing up and getting ready to leave the hospital, but we have obviously survived! This time around I just want the baby to get here already! I want to fast forward 6 months and have all of our house and baby to-do lists completed. This weekend Noelle and I even went through her box of newborn and 0-3 month sized items to get a feel for what we still need. Nesting is already kicking in!

Symptoms: Heartburn is starting to weasel it's way in more and more these days. This is exactly the time it came up last pregnancy. I remember wondering what was going on as I had never had heartburn before!

Sleep: Getting better, but still not great. Recently it's been more due to an achy body than Noelle, the dog or insomnia. I think I'll be bringing up my awesome pregnancy pillow soon. Seriously, that thing was so amazing last time!

Boy or Girl: Starting to waver on this a bit - just don't have any strong feelings these days.

The belly: I feel like its huge already! My belly button doesn't look it can hold out much longer! Still fitting into flowier non-maternity shirts, but those are getting smaller by the day.

Movement: Getting stronger and more frequent.

Milestones: The baby's arms and legs are more in proportion with the rest of the body and baby has more control over these limbs. Sensory development is also exploding. The vernix caseosa is covering baby's body and hair may be starting to sprout on the head. If this baby is anything like Noelle he/she will have a very full head of hair at birth!

Best moment of the week: Bryan finishing his grad school program on January 29th!!! It hasn't been the smoothest of roads these last 2.5 years, but we made it through! I want to do a separate post in this, so I'll just leave it at that.

Weight gain/loss: Not sure where I am here as I don't usually weigh myself between appointments. Aside from completely switching to maternity jeans because of the belly, most of my clothes seem to fit the same. As of my last appointment at 16 weeks I was at minus one pound.

*I have to apologize for all of the typos in my posts recently. I typically post from my iPhone and autocorrect doesn't catch everything. I pride myself on having good grammar and spelling, but that just hasn't been the case lately! I promise to do a better job re-reading before I post.

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