Size of baby: About 19 inches and around 6 lbs - the size of a honeydew according to The Bump (which was BC's choice last week) and a Crenshaw melon according to BabyCenter. I think they're running out of ideas.
Best moment of the week: Oh. My. Gosh. Thank goodness for 3 day weekends! We got so much done this weekend it was crazy. My to-do list went from almost two pages to just under one page!!! This one just can't have enough exclamation points :) I finally feel ready for the baby.
Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream, custard, frozen yogurt, mmmm.
What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!
What I'm looking forward to: Having this baby!
Worries: Those nighttime doubts and insecurities are really getting to me these days. Will Noelle still feel loved? How will she adjust? How will I adjust? Will I remember how to take care of a newborn? 3 1/2 years is a long time in baby/kid years - I've forgotten a lot of the little things. I know the answer to all of these is, duh - yes. But some days I need a little more convincing.
What is different this time around: Just about everything!
Symptoms: Heartburn, exhaustion, sore hips and legs and general discomfort.
Sleep: Aside from the random heartburn attacks some nights, I've been so tired that I've slept really well.
Boy or Girl: Most people are voting boy these days. I fell into that trap with Noelle so I'm staying neutral this time around :) There is one woman at work who is convinced it's a girl based on a pretty consistent heartbeat in the upper 150s. We'll see soon!!
The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! Baby is definitely running out of room. There is lots of rolling movement and I can feel when the baby stretches because I feel simultaneous pushing in my rib area and my pelvic bone area.
Movement: Lots of rolling and "smaller" movements.
Doctor Appointment: New category since I'll be there every week. This week I saw a NP and she did a very unscientific "feel the baby to guess the weight" type thing. She guessed that baby was about 7 lbs and would be in the low 8s at birth. Noelle was 7lbs 9oz so they would be pretty similar. Although Bryan automatically thought that bigger baby equals a boy! I was about 50% effaced, at a minus 2 station (this was kind of a duh for me because I think I've been at a minus 2 station since I started showing!) and negative centimeters dialated ;)
Milestones: Liver and kidneys are fully formed and ready, along with the circulatory and immune systems. Baby's lungs continue to develop on a daily basis.
Weight gain/loss: I was always kind of keeping track myself, but I knew my previous number of plus 17 wasn't exact. I found out at my 36 week appointment that the doctor's official number is plus 23, so I will go with that! I gained 33 lbs with Noelle and I can definitely see and tell the difference this time around.
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