Jun 9, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Seven Weeks


Now that's a full term belly!

Size of baby: About 19-20 inches and around 6.5 lbs - the size of a winter melon according to The Bump and a stalk of Swiss chard according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Walking into the baby's room and just seeing everything all set to go. Also a close second: going to Bay View Gallery Night and seeing my baby brother's photographs on the wall of one of the shops! One of the pictures was from an impromptu newborn session we did with Noelle. We took her pic with it (it was high up, so Andrew is giving her a lift). I actually won an Instagram contest taking this picture with the BVGN hashtag! We also got to listen to a friend's band and just had a great time all around!

Noelle: Then and Now
Sibling love :)
Paper Holland
Dancing with Uncle Andrew
Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream, custard, frozen yogurt, mmmm.

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!

What I'm looking forward to: Having this baby!

Worries: Will I know when I'm in labor? A crazy questions, yes - but not when I was induced last time and have no idea what a "regular", building labor is like. I'd love for my contractions to come on and build slowly so I can get last minute things ready around the house, but I keep imagining my water breaking at work and then things going crazy from there! This is where my "I just need to know" personality comes in. Funny how it doesn't kick in for the gender!
What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Heartburn, exhaustion, sore hips and legs and general discomfort.

Sleep: Aside from the random heartburn attacks some nights, I've been so tired that I've slept really well.

Boy or Girl: I've constantly been second guessing any inclinations I've had so I've just stopped thinking about it :) We'll find out soon enough!

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! Baby is definitely running out of room. There is lots of rolling movement and I can feel when the baby stretches because I feel simultaneous pushing in my rib area and my pelvic bone area.

Movement: Lots of rolling and "smaller" movements.

Doctor Appointment: Making progress! 65% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Last week I was at 50% and not dilated at all.

Milestones: Baby is practicing everything from breathing to thumb sucking to blinking. Getting ready for the big debut!

Weight gain/loss: Plus 24. 

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