Jun 13, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Eight Weeks

Size of baby: The average baby is 19+ inches and around 7-8 lbs - the size of a pumpkin according to The Bump and a leek according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Because this is our second baby I hadn't even thought about taking any parenting classes, but I was looking through my hospital's class list and saw one titled Big Kids and Babies. I thought it would be a great way to get Noelle even more excited about being a big sister. Even if it turned out to be a bust, it was only $6. It turned out to be great as the kids were able to "practice" swaddling and diapering and learning what life will most likely be like when the baby first comes home. We also got a tour of the labor and delivery and recovery rooms so it will be a little less foreign when Noelle comes to visit. Noelle really enjoyed herself and I would definitely recommend this class to other parents!

Also, things I had listed under my "worries" section in the past are clearing up and have been checked off. We have a great list of names and a front runner for both genders. (To be honest, I love our girl's name so much I've kinda been hoping we have another daughter!) 
We've also secured a spot at a great in-home daycare!! I can't wait to see how it compares to our experience at a center. Obviously there are pros and cons to both so I'm interested to see how things progress.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing special this week. Trying to stay away from too much sugar. I'm also not craving alcoholic beverages like I thought I would, but I'm definitely looking forward to that first drink on a summer night after the baby is born!

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!

What I'm looking forward to: Having this baby! I know this has been my stock answer lately, but I'm so serious. I feel great physically, but mentally I was ready a week or two ago. 

Worries: Some of the same anxieties I've mentioned before regarding our transition from a family with an only child to a family of four .
What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: The heartburn has been getting better lately, but I am just about completely checked out for the evening starting around 7:30. My patience is so low and it just doesn't bode well on nights that Noelle isn't having the best attitude.

Sleep: Good sleep has been a little elusive lately and even though I've always been a light sleeper, it seems every tiny noise is waking me up. Getting back to sleep has been an even bigger challenge. Oh well - practice, right?

Boy or Girl: I still don't have a strong feeling, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was kind of hoping for a boy to have one of each. Obviously I'll be happy either way, and another girl definitely leaves the door open for number 3...;)
The belly: Large and in charge!

Movement: Lots of pushing and undulating-type movements.

Doctor Appointment: Even better progress this week!  I was hoping this would be the case as I've been having a lot of fake/practice contractions this week. Totally irregular and nothing more than light cramping, but enough that I really wanted them to mean something was happening. And it sure did! Last week I was 65% effaced and 1 cm dilated. This week I was 75% effaced and 3 cm dilated! I know I could stay this way for the next two weeks with nothing further changing and I'm really trying not to get my hopes up. But steady progress over the last 3 appointments has to mean something, right?!

Milestones: Baby might have an inch or so of hair and is shedding most of the vernix caseosa covering the body. I'm really interested to see if this babe takes after Bryan and has a head full of hair like Noelle, or if it's a mini me right from the get-go and a little baldy like I was!

Weight gain/loss: Plus 25. I'm definitely meeting the one pound a week average these days!

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