Best moment of the week: Lots of family time this week! Spent Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon at Polish Fest with family and friends. Did a lot of walking around to encourage this baby to come out! Had a fantastic Father's Day outing on Sunday evening with just the three of us. We packed up a picnic dinner and our fishing gear and enjoyed the beautiful weather at a nearby park. I actually remember doing something similar with Bryan and the dog shortly before Noelle was born :)
Also got to spend some quality time with my best friend. We got dessert at Cheesecake Factory on Wednesday and just enjoyed a nice night outside catching up.
Cravings/Aversions: Haven't minded not drinking, but still looking forward to that first drink on a summer night after the baby is born!
What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms and seeing Noelle for the first time after the baby is born. I'm tearing up just thinking about it, so I know I will be a bawling mess!
Worries: As much as I've talked about being ready to have this baby, every little contraction I have gives me a flutter of anxiety that it might be the real thing. Labor itself is a little unknown to me (the beginning parts at least) because if my induction with Noelle. It's really hard for me to not know when it's going to happen!
The belly: Large and in charge! And I haven't mentioned it before, but it's definitely been garnering those annoying "Are you still here?"-type comments at work. There is even a woman at work who sees me on a very regular basis and still says "Woah." every time she sees me. Yep, still pregnant, lady!
Movement: Lots of pushing and undulating-type movements.
Doctor Appointment: Last week I was 75% effaced and 3 cm dilated. I've had a lot of random contractions this past week, but without actually being in active labor I'm not going to be progressing much further. I'm also kicking myself for not taking up my doctor's offer of having my membranes stripped. Even though I say I'm so ready for this baby to come (and I am) for some reason I just wasn't mentally prepared to make that decision at a moment's notice. I wish Bryan would have been there because he would have gently pushed me toward it. My doctor just put it out there as an option and was completely fine with not doing it. Not dwelling on it anymore!
Milestones: Baby is a limb-flexing machine and may be ready for his or her first manicure right away as fingernails may be too long already.
Weight gain/loss: Plus 27. Oops - too much yummy Polish food!
Cravings/Aversions: Haven't minded not drinking, but still looking forward to that first drink on a summer night after the baby is born!
What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms and seeing Noelle for the first time after the baby is born. I'm tearing up just thinking about it, so I know I will be a bawling mess!
Worries: As much as I've talked about being ready to have this baby, every little contraction I have gives me a flutter of anxiety that it might be the real thing. Labor itself is a little unknown to me (the beginning parts at least) because if my induction with Noelle. It's really hard for me to not know when it's going to happen!
What is different this time around: Just about everything!
Symptoms: Tired and cranky. If Bryan were reading this he would be emphatically nodding his head!
Sleep: Ugh. Let's just leave it at that
Boy or Girl: We'll know soon!!
Symptoms: Tired and cranky. If Bryan were reading this he would be emphatically nodding his head!
Sleep: Ugh. Let's just leave it at that
Boy or Girl: We'll know soon!!
The belly: Large and in charge! And I haven't mentioned it before, but it's definitely been garnering those annoying "Are you still here?"-type comments at work. There is even a woman at work who sees me on a very regular basis and still says "Woah." every time she sees me. Yep, still pregnant, lady!
Movement: Lots of pushing and undulating-type movements.
Doctor Appointment: Last week I was 75% effaced and 3 cm dilated. I've had a lot of random contractions this past week, but without actually being in active labor I'm not going to be progressing much further. I'm also kicking myself for not taking up my doctor's offer of having my membranes stripped. Even though I say I'm so ready for this baby to come (and I am) for some reason I just wasn't mentally prepared to make that decision at a moment's notice. I wish Bryan would have been there because he would have gently pushed me toward it. My doctor just put it out there as an option and was completely fine with not doing it. Not dwelling on it anymore!
Milestones: Baby is a limb-flexing machine and may be ready for his or her first manicure right away as fingernails may be too long already.
Weight gain/loss: Plus 27. Oops - too much yummy Polish food!