Apr 1, 2013

Baby #2 :: Twenty Eight Weeks

Sooo, I swear I posted this on Thursday, but I guess it never went through!

Size of baby: A butternut squash according to BabyCenter and an eggplant according to The Bump. Baby is about 15 inches long and about 2 1/2 pounds.

Best moment of the week: Celebrating baby's first Easter. We actually got to see both sides of the family this year. It was an unexpected and very rare treat!

Cravings/Aversions: Loving cereal, milk, fruit smoothies and fruit in general.

What I love: Right now, a whole lotta everything!

What I'm looking forward to: Same as last week. SpringSpringSpringSpring. If I don't get out of this house soon I might explode. I just.want.to.take.a.walk. We got to get out a couple times this week and the achy hips were worth it!

Worries: Still not any farther ahead in the name game! Although I think I'm getting more and more attached to the front runner for a boy. Had my glucose screening at my appointment today. Will find out tomorrow if I have to go back for the 3 hour test. Fingers crossed!

What is different this time around: Time is flying too fast!!

Symptoms: An achiness in the hips if I do too much and Braxton Hicks as well. Heartburn is much better this time around as baby is much lower and not crowding my upper abdomen as much.

Sleep: Pretty good lately! Just have to remember to stay well hydrated during the day.

Boy or Girl: Leaning toward boy this week - yep, this will definitely change often :o)

The belly: Feels huge!

Movement: Lots! When I lay down for the night this little stinker brings out the trampoline!

Milestones: Baby's muscles and lungs continue to mature and if baby were born today, would have a good chance of surviving. Thank you modern medicine! But stay in there baby! Also, it's a good thing I live milk these days because baby is taking about 250 mg of calcium to harden its skeleton.

Weight gain/loss: So apparently I can't do math or I had the wrong starting weight in my head...this entire time. Talk about pregnancy brain! The correct number here is plus 12. I lost 5 lbs in the first trimester and then the majority if that gain happened in the last 2.5 months. Yikes!!

Picture from Easter!

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