Apr 23, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty One Weeks

Size of baby: Roughly 16 inches and about 3 lbs - the size of a pineapple according to The Bump and four navel oranges (really??? That's the best they've got?) according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Watching Noelle interact with our one year old Godson this weekend. Yes, the baby won't be that age for a while, but it's so great to see how good she is with him an how much she loves helping!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing crazy these days.

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go!

What I'm looking forward to: We're heading to my happiest place on Earth this weekend - IKEA!! Making more headway on the never ending to do list!

Worries: Thankfully things aren't bothering me too much lately - a welcome change for this natural worry wart.

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Sore/achy joints at night and Braxton Hicks contractions at least a few times a day.

Sleep: It's actually been really good this week. There was even one night I didn't wake up until the alarm went off!

Boy or Girl: My inklings are all over the place lately.

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! I have a feeling I'm going to shopping for some more maternity shirts in the near future. With this low belly, even really long shirts aren't quite cutting it!

Movement: Pretty sure there's a trampoline in there with baby.

Milestones: Baby continues to gain weight and plump up. All five senses are fully developed and the irises now react to light.

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 15. Finally had a healthy weight gain since my last appointment!

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