May 2, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Two Weeks

As of yesterday I can now say this baby will be born next month! Scary and exciting!!

Size of baby: Roughly 16.5 inches and about 3.75 lbs - the size of a squash according to The Bump and a large jicama according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Enjoying the few days of amazing weather we had here in Milwaukee. Just a memory today with temps in the 40s and 50s and Lots of rain. There was so much to do inside the house, but it felt amazing to play hooky and just watch Noelle and the dog run around the backyard with big smiles!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing crazy these days.

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go!

What I'm looking forward to: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can't wait for things to slow down a bit. And I know that will never truly happen, but if I could get to the point where I cross something off of my to-do and two more things don't jump on I would be really happy. Thankfully, that might actually happen in the very near future. Home projects have kind of stalled due to my involvement in an outside-the-home project. I'm on the board of an organization and we have our 60th anniversary event coming up next weekend. I'm heavily involved in the planning and just cannot wait for it to be over! Progress on Noelle's big girl room has been at a standstill the last two weeks (aside from some IKEA purchases) and I think she's convinced she'll never move into that room.

Worries: Just the stress stemming from that never-ending list.

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Oh boy, have the hormones kicked it up into high gear! I am on top of the world one minute and a mean, cranky, crying mess the next. Poor Bryan has taken the brunt of it! Still having a decent amount if Braxton Hicks contractions during the day.

Sleep: It's been another good week!

Boy or Girl: My inklings are all over the place lately.

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! I have a feeling I'm going shopping for some more maternity shirts in the near future. With this low belly, even really long shirts aren't quite cutting it!

Movement: Pretty sure there's a trampoline in there with baby.

Milestones: Baby is gaining about a half pound a week now and it's getting more and more cramped in there (no kidding!).

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 15. Finally had a healthy weight gain since my last appointment!

Pictures from one of the glorious days we had this week! Libby and Noelle were in heaven!

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