Last week of the second trimester! Woah. Like, serious Joey Lawrence woah.
Size of baby: A head of cauliflower according to BabyCenter and a rutabaga according to The Bump. Apparently we are moving away from the crown-to-rump measurements and going to head-to-toe measurements (although those veggies don't seem like 14 in to me!). Baby is about 14 inches long and about 2 pounds.
Best moment of the week: With the exception of some threenager behavior from our first born, everyone has been in really good moods lately. It just makes life's craziness much easier to deal with. Also, we bought our first brand new car! Unfortunately it's so brand new that we have to wait a couple of weeks for it to be delivered. I'm not so good with that patience thing!
Cravings/Aversions: Salt and sugar all day long. I don't even want to look at the scale.
What I love: Right now, a whole lotta everything!
What I'm looking forward to: SpringSpringSpringSpring. If I don't get out of this house soon I might explode. I
Worries: Names! We have such a short list of names right now, and not by choice. We have a pretty solid front runner for a boy, but the girl names are just not happening. Luckily we haven't had too much disagreement. If one of us suggests a name but the other doesn't like it, we're pretty good at just leaving it at that. Everyone keeps joking that it doesn't matter anyway. We changed Noelle's name once she was born and it completely threw people for a loop. We had chosen Elizabeth Claire months before she was born and everyone was so confused when we said Noelle Jane was here!
What is different this time around: Feeling like I'm already 8 months pregnant!
Symptoms: Leg cramps at night, Braxton Hicks - overall, I'm feeling pretty good this week. I've had a lot of energy. This is very good considering how busy I've been at work, home, and on some side projects.
Sleep: Not bad. Hydration is the key to avoiding overnight leg cramps and I ditched the giant pregnancy pillow when I realized it was making things worse. That thing was a Godsend last time; just not the case this time around.
Boy or Girl: Leaning toward boy this week - yep, this will definitely change from week to week :o)
The belly: Feels huge!
Movement: Getting stronger and more frequent. Baby is definitely starting to have more of a "schedule". I love knowing when I can expect baby to be active, but I definitely don't freak out if it's not exactly the same from day to day.
Milestones: The previously closed nostrils have opened up and baby is practicing "breathing" through its nose. There is also lots of brain tissue developing so baby's brain is super active.
Weight gain/loss: Plus 3 for now. Next appointment is April 4 so I'll have a new number then.
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