Mar 8, 2013

Baby #2 :: Twenty Four Weeks

Size of baby: An ear of corn according to Baby Center and a cantaloupe says The Bump - about 11 in and just over a pound!

Best moment of the week: Taking Noelle to her first play! I've mentioned before that Bryan and I want to do what we can to have one on one time with Noelle before her world is turned upside down. I had a great opportunity when we saw that First Stage Children's Theater was doing Pinkalicious. What on Earth is Pinkalicious, you ask? It's a book about a girl who loves, lives, eats too much, and turns - pink, of course! We had a great time and I was so proud of how well-behaved Noelle was. The group definitely knows its audience as there were two, half hour acts and a 15 minute intermission. It was perfect!

Cravings/Aversions: Wants=milk, peanut butter, fruit, pickles. Don't wants=eggs, string cheese (oh, the insanity!)

What I love: Feeling more frequent and stronger movement. When Noelle asks to feel the baby move or give her brother or sister a kiss.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting more things crossed off of the pre-baby to do list! Really feeling the pressure here. We have a lot to do for Noelle's big girl room in order to re-nursery her current room!

Worries: My anxiety has definitely taken a backseat this trimester and I am so grateful!

What is different this time around: Aside from the worsening aches and pains, not too much is different at this point. Although, one thing I did realize recently is that I am much more "go with the flow" this time. I haven't cracked open a pregnancy book once and I barely utilize my pregnancy apps. I really like not being told how I "should be" feeling.

Symptoms: Aches and pains, mild heartburn, sleeplessness/insomnia. The aches and pains are pretty much sidelining me at the end of the night. Not fun.

Sleep: Even the pregnancy pillow isn't helping these days. My hips and lower back are very sore during the night.

Boy or Girl: Still completely unsure.

The belly: Getting bigger every week! I want to do comparisons of my pics from Noelle's pregnancy. I feel much bigger at this point than I did last time.

Movement: Bigger kicks, a roll here and there and my doc confirmed that baby is pretty low. Apparently this is normal after the first pregnancy because things have been stretched out. This makes me a little nervous for the home stretch. I remember how low Noelle felt at the end and how much pressure there was. What's it going to feel like when the baby is already that low?! Yikes!

Milestones: His or her brain is growing quickly now, and taste buds are continuing to develop. Baby's lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help air sacs in the lungs inflate once baby hits the outside world. His or her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Weight gain/loss: Ummm, so total of plus 3 (previously minus 3). February was all about sugar. March will be a "clean up" month.

I was a complete slacker this week (aka I was insanely busy at home and work) and never took a weekly pic. Instead, you get a picture of my beautiful Noelle at Pinkalicious.

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