May 26, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Five Weeks

35 weeks down, 35 days to go - wahoo!!

Size of baby: Over 18 inches and around 5 1/4 lbs - the size of a coconut according to The Bump and a honeydew melon according to BabyCenter. 

Best moment of the week: Hmm, I think it's a toss up between getting a much needed and deserved pedicure and Bryan's graduation ;) It was great to have an official end to Bryan's grad school chapter. 

Cravings/Aversions: Fruit, fruit and more fruit!

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!

What I'm looking forward to: The upcoming 3 day weekend - the perfect chance to cross a hundred things off of our to-do list.

Worries: So we are finally getting closer to finding an in-home daycare provider and we actually have a small list of names for both genders. Things are looking up :)

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Still really tired and the baby is just sitting SO low! At the end of the night the movements and kicks feel like he or she is trying to make a break a for it. 

Sleep: Aside from the random heartburn attacks some nights, I've been so tired that I've slept really well.

Boy or Girl: This week I'm thinking/hoping boy because I really would like at least one of each. But, if number 2 is a girl, I have a little more leverage with Bryan for baby number 3 a few years down the road :)

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! Baby is definitely running out of room. There is lots of rolling movement and I can feel when the baby stretches because I feel simultaneous pushing in my rib area and my pelvic bone area.

Movement: Lots of rolling and "smaller" movements.

Milestones: Baby's kidneys are fully formed and hearing is completely developed. Apparentlyy uterus has grown to 1,000 times its original, eww. 

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 17.

May 13, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Four Weeks

Size of baby: Almost 18 inches and around 4.5 lbs - the size of a cantaloupe according to The Bump and a butternut squash according to BabyCenter. 

Best moment of the week: Mother's Day is the obvious answer, right? ;) Aside from the cold weather we had a really nice day. We had my mom and brother over for brunch and ate way too much yummy food! I got to do a little relaxing, well, a lot if you compare it to any other day! But we were still able to get things done around the house. It was also really nice to soak in some quality time with my first born. Noelle had really good behavior that day too, which made things so much easier. We have been having some major attitude and tantrum issues lately and I can hardly blame her given the upheaval of our schedules and our house as of late. We keep promising her all of the projects will be done soon and are each trying to spend as much time with her as possible. Unfortunately we have been relying too much on screen babysitters in order to get work done around the house. 

Cravings/Aversions: Fruit, fruit and more fruit!

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! Also on a weekly doctor appointment schedule!

What I'm looking forward to: Bryan's graduation this Sunday! Even though he's been done since the end of January, Bryan's graduation ceremony happens according to the typical graduation schedule. His family is coming into town and we are having a small party after the ceremony. This is the last major event before baby so it will be nice to refocus our efforts a bit once this is done. 

Worries: No names, no daycare set up, no rooms big deal!! Pretty sure we had everything done months before Noelle was born. Well, probably not. But weeks before for sure. 
What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: The heartburn has kicked in with a vengeance. I woke up at about midnight one night this week and thought I was going to die if I didn't sit up and have some Tums ASAP! Hopefully the old wives' tale holds true and this baby will have a head full of gorgeous hair like Noelle did! I've also been incredibly tired this week. I really need some nesting energy to kick in soon to help get things done. I definitely was not feeling this "over it" this early with Noelle. 

Sleep: Aside from the random heartburn attacks some nights, I've been so tired that I've slept really well. 

Boy or Girl: Hoping for a boy because then we'd at least have more of an idea for a name than if its a girl! Ugh - we just can't get a list if names together to save our lives. Nothing is standing out and if one does, one of us doesn't usually like it. Right now my goal is to have a list of a few names for each gender and pick one within 6 hours of the baby being born. That shouldn't be too difficult, right? Right?!  

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! Baby is definitely running out of room. There is lots of rolling movement and I can feel when the baby stretches because I feel simultaneous pushing in my rib area and my pelvic bone area.

Movement: Lots of rolling and "smaller" movements. 

Milestones: Everything continues to mature and baby's body is getting more and more ready for the real world!

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 17.

Little Miss (fake) Attitude on Mother's Day 

Trying to take a nice picture together on Mother's Day :)

May 9, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Three Weeks

Size of baby: A bit over 17 inches and a little more than 4 lbs - the size of a durian (crazy looking prickly fruit) according to The Bump and a pineapple according to BabyCenter. 

Best moment of the week: Crossing off a major non-home project! Time to concentrate in the important stuff! 

Cravings/Aversions: Anything cold - I seem have to have dry mouth going on or something!

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go! 

What I'm looking forward to: Mother's Day, of course! Putting a list of names together would be nice ;)

Worries: Just the stress stemming from our never-ending pre-baby to-do list, not having even a good list of names picked out and also being convinced (for no reason whatsoever) that this baby will not be enjoying a full 40 week stay. 

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: The heartburn has kicked in with a vengeance. I woke up at about midnight one night this week and thought I was going to die if I didn't sit up and have some Tums ASAP! Hopefully the old wives' tale holds true and this baby will have a head full of gorgeous hair like Noelle did! I've also been incredibly tired this week. I really need some nesting energy to kick in soon to help get things done. I definitely was not feeling this "over it" this early with Noelle. 

Sleep: Aside from the random heartburn attacks some nights, I've been so tired that I've slept really well. 

Boy or Girl: Hoping for a boy because then we'd at least have more of an idea for a name than if its a girl! Can you tell I'm a little worked up about the name thing??

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! Baby is definitely running out if room. There is lots of rolling movement and I can feel when the baby stretches because I feel simultaneous pushing in my rib area and my pelvic bone area.

Movement: Lots of rolling and "smaller" movements. 

Milestones: Baby's skeleton continues to harden and he keeps his eyes open when awake. Baby is also working on coordinating breathing with sucking an swallowing. 

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 15. Finally had a healthy weight gain since last appointment. 

Feeling ha-yuge in this picture!!

May 2, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Two Weeks

As of yesterday I can now say this baby will be born next month! Scary and exciting!!

Size of baby: Roughly 16.5 inches and about 3.75 lbs - the size of a squash according to The Bump and a large jicama according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Enjoying the few days of amazing weather we had here in Milwaukee. Just a memory today with temps in the 40s and 50s and Lots of rain. There was so much to do inside the house, but it felt amazing to play hooky and just watch Noelle and the dog run around the backyard with big smiles!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing crazy these days.

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go!

What I'm looking forward to: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can't wait for things to slow down a bit. And I know that will never truly happen, but if I could get to the point where I cross something off of my to-do and two more things don't jump on I would be really happy. Thankfully, that might actually happen in the very near future. Home projects have kind of stalled due to my involvement in an outside-the-home project. I'm on the board of an organization and we have our 60th anniversary event coming up next weekend. I'm heavily involved in the planning and just cannot wait for it to be over! Progress on Noelle's big girl room has been at a standstill the last two weeks (aside from some IKEA purchases) and I think she's convinced she'll never move into that room.

Worries: Just the stress stemming from that never-ending list.

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Oh boy, have the hormones kicked it up into high gear! I am on top of the world one minute and a mean, cranky, crying mess the next. Poor Bryan has taken the brunt of it! Still having a decent amount if Braxton Hicks contractions during the day.

Sleep: It's been another good week!

Boy or Girl: My inklings are all over the place lately.

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! I have a feeling I'm going shopping for some more maternity shirts in the near future. With this low belly, even really long shirts aren't quite cutting it!

Movement: Pretty sure there's a trampoline in there with baby.

Milestones: Baby is gaining about a half pound a week now and it's getting more and more cramped in there (no kidding!).

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 15. Finally had a healthy weight gain since my last appointment!

Pictures from one of the glorious days we had this week! Libby and Noelle were in heaven!