Apr 23, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty One Weeks

Size of baby: Roughly 16 inches and about 3 lbs - the size of a pineapple according to The Bump and four navel oranges (really??? That's the best they've got?) according to BabyCenter.

Best moment of the week: Watching Noelle interact with our one year old Godson this weekend. Yes, the baby won't be that age for a while, but it's so great to see how good she is with him an how much she loves helping!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing crazy these days.

What I love: Being in the single digits of weeks to go!

What I'm looking forward to: We're heading to my happiest place on Earth this weekend - IKEA!! Making more headway on the never ending to do list!

Worries: Thankfully things aren't bothering me too much lately - a welcome change for this natural worry wart.

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Sore/achy joints at night and Braxton Hicks contractions at least a few times a day.

Sleep: It's actually been really good this week. There was even one night I didn't wake up until the alarm went off!

Boy or Girl: My inklings are all over the place lately.

The belly: Getting bigger and bigger! I have a feeling I'm going to shopping for some more maternity shirts in the near future. With this low belly, even really long shirts aren't quite cutting it!

Movement: Pretty sure there's a trampoline in there with baby.

Milestones: Baby continues to gain weight and plump up. All five senses are fully developed and the irises now react to light.

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 15. Finally had a healthy weight gain since my last appointment!

Apr 1, 2013

Baby #2 :: Thirty Weeks

I know it's a cop out, but life seriously needs to slow down. I would love to make this thing a real blog, but I can't even keep up with weekly pregnancy updates! I decided just to skip week 29 because I never even took a picture and each week melts into the next these days.

Size of baby: A head of cabbage according to BabyCenter and a cucumber says The Bump. Baby is about 16 inches long and weighs around 3 lbs.

Best moment of the week: We finally got our new car! It took almost a month to come in but it was absolutely worth the wait. We got a 2014 Subaru Forester and we're pretty much in love with it. The whole buying a car process took about 5-6 months because I am married to the world's biggest researcher/planner. Seriously. You should see some of the spreadsheets Bryan put together in deciding which cars to look at, budget numbers and finally buying the car. It's ridiculous and awesome at the same time. And yet this is the guy who is so against finding out the gender of our babies!

Cravings/Aversions: I've actually been doing really well and haven't had any crazy or bad-for-me cravings.

What I love: Slowly working on and finishing our house projects. I really, really want to do a separate post about all of our work so I'm not going mention specifics in hopes that it works as motivation for me to do so (ha!).

What I'm looking forward to: Actually, I'm typing this as we're driving to Minnesota for our Godson's first birthday and party! So excited to see Liam and his parents.

Worries: We still don't have a good list of girl names. And I've been seeing our boy name pop up more and more. I love it because I thought it was fairly uncommon. Now I'm starting to second guess it. Our goal is to keep along the lines of why we love the name Noelle. It's unique without being weird and it's not very common or popular. It's a lot harder to do that this time around for some reason!

What is different this time around: Just about everything!

Symptoms: Leg cramps at night, sore/achy joints and Braxton Hicks contractions at least a few times a day.

Sleep: Not bad. Hydration is the key to avoiding those overnight leg cramps.

Boy or Girl: My inklings are all over the place lately.

The belly: I've mentioned before, and you can definitely tell in pictures, that I'm carrying super low and the pressure on my lower pelvis is already getting annoying. Only ten more weeks of that left!! (That was a whole lot of sarcasm by the way.)

Movement: Really good. I haven't felt the need to do any kick counts - don't think I ever did any with Noelle either - but if I realize that I haven't felt baby in a while I just give a slight push on my belly to wake the baby up. Sorry baby! Just consider it early revenge :)

Milestones: Baby's eyesight is developing and the skin is starting to smooth out. Baby can also now grasp things, like a finger. Aww, baby grabbing your finger for the first time...is anything sweeter?!

Weight gain/loss: Currently at plus 12. Next appointment/weight update is 4/25.

Dang - now that's a belly!!

Baby #2 :: Twenty Eight Weeks

Sooo, I swear I posted this on Thursday, but I guess it never went through!

Size of baby: A butternut squash according to BabyCenter and an eggplant according to The Bump. Baby is about 15 inches long and about 2 1/2 pounds.

Best moment of the week: Celebrating baby's first Easter. We actually got to see both sides of the family this year. It was an unexpected and very rare treat!

Cravings/Aversions: Loving cereal, milk, fruit smoothies and fruit in general.

What I love: Right now, a whole lotta everything!

What I'm looking forward to: Same as last week. SpringSpringSpringSpring. If I don't get out of this house soon I might explode. I just.want.to.take.a.walk. We got to get out a couple times this week and the achy hips were worth it!

Worries: Still not any farther ahead in the name game! Although I think I'm getting more and more attached to the front runner for a boy. Had my glucose screening at my appointment today. Will find out tomorrow if I have to go back for the 3 hour test. Fingers crossed!

What is different this time around: Time is flying too fast!!

Symptoms: An achiness in the hips if I do too much and Braxton Hicks as well. Heartburn is much better this time around as baby is much lower and not crowding my upper abdomen as much.

Sleep: Pretty good lately! Just have to remember to stay well hydrated during the day.

Boy or Girl: Leaning toward boy this week - yep, this will definitely change often :o)

The belly: Feels huge!

Movement: Lots! When I lay down for the night this little stinker brings out the trampoline!

Milestones: Baby's muscles and lungs continue to mature and if baby were born today, would have a good chance of surviving. Thank you modern medicine! But stay in there baby! Also, it's a good thing I live milk these days because baby is taking about 250 mg of calcium to harden its skeleton.

Weight gain/loss: So apparently I can't do math or I had the wrong starting weight in my head...this entire time. Talk about pregnancy brain! The correct number here is plus 12. I lost 5 lbs in the first trimester and then the majority if that gain happened in the last 2.5 months. Yikes!!

Picture from Easter!