Feb 25, 2013

Baby #2 :: Twenty Two Weeks

Playing catch up today! I was 22 weeks on February 21.

Size of baby: A spaghetti squash according to Baby Center and a papaya says The Bump - about 11 in and 13-20 oz. It looks like the measurements are wide margins and won't be changing much from week to week, but more so on a monthly basis.

Best moment of the week: Finally getting some things crossed off on the pre-baby to do list.

Cravings/Aversions: Umm, craving ice cream and chocolate like nobody's business. Thanks a lot Valentine's Day.

What I love: Feeling more frequent and stronger movement.

What I'm looking forward to: The ability to breath out of my nose again and not using a box of Kleenex per day. I've had one of those nonstop head colds and it just will. not. go. away.

Worries: Feeling pretty good these days!

What is different this time around: My heartburn isn't as strong at this point compared to last time. Also, my belly button is pretty much an outie at this point, and I know that didn't happen until much farther down the line. And speaking of lines, my linea nigra is nowhere to be seen. I did have one last time, but I can't really remember when it started showing up, so it still might appear.

Symptoms: Still with the round ligament pain.

Sleep: *yawn*

Boy or Girl: I still go back and forth. I think my gut is telling me a girl, but I am just not one of those women who *know* what baby is.

The belly: Garnering lots of annoying, but completely innocent, comments from random coworkers.

Movement: Baby definitely has a pattern of awake/sleep times. I love that I know when I can expect, for the most part, movement. One thing driving me nuts is how much baby loves to aim for my bladder. So many of the kicks and punches land right there!

Milestones: Baby is looking more and more like a miniature newborn as the lips, eyelids and eyebrows become more distinct. Tiny tooth buds are also forming (insert sarcastic teething comment here).

Weight gain/loss: Not weighing myself between appointments so still at a total of minus 3 pounds.

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